Meet the Team



Louise has been part of the PPS team since May 2017.  She brings with her a passion and enthusiasm for good health, movement and exercise, cultivated from an early age through her own training, competition and adventure pursuits, with local through international results.  She is an Exercise Physiologist (M.Sc.) with extensive experience and qualifications in the field (including prior coaching accreditations in strength and conditioning, swimming and kayaking), with more recent qualifications as a Pilates instructor (Polestar International Studio Rehab and Mat).


Louise combines her qualifications and 30+ years of experience to work with clients to support and empower them to manage and optimise their wellbeing and aging through the life course, with its inevitable niggles along the way!  Louise has a particular interest in functional training, injury prevention and rehabilitation, with a strong focus on strength and posture.  She has a calm and professional approach, listening to and working with clients and all their diverse needs, while encouraging and motivating them to keep moving, consistently! 

Contact us.

Ph: 0422 232 104

The Perth Pilates Studio
7 Scarborough Beach Road, NORTH PERTH, WA 6006 

Studio Reception Hours: 
8.30 am to 11.30 am - Monday to Saturday
4.30 pm to 6.00 pm - Monday to Thursday